The first PainKiller ScoreBOT


Well, I'm a spanish guy and my name is Oscar Hierro, also known as PiTaGoRaS. I'm currently living near Barcelona and working full time for eXtreme Gaming Arena

I've played PainKiller since November 2004 or so, and I like it. I decided to make PiTaBOT because after 1.61 was released, the demos didn't work and there was no PKTV nor the announced official scorebot. Futhermore, with the first CPL World Tour stop (Turkey) being two weeks away, I felt like something had to be done.

A few days programming in Java and this is the result. I know the bot is far from perfect, but it currently does his best. Take into account that the PainKiller dedicated server is not actually designed to have a scorebot, so things are not easy. I've already done a good progress with the Server Mod (it's programmed in Lua), which debutes in PiTaBOT 1.0

You can always contact me at or #aunarena @ QuakeNet

I'll be happy to hear from you ;) Also send me bugs you discover or features you'd like to see implemented.

And Thanks goes to...

  • my mates at XGA's office, they are all mad :D
  • my boss, Alberto, for allowing me to code a bit on working hours ;)
  • The PK++ mod team, for obvious reasons ;)
  • IntelliJ IDEA, because is without any doubt the best Java IDE

See you at CPL WorldTour @ Spain!

Don't forget to visit:

Copyright (C) 2005 Oscar Hierro (PiTaGoRaS)